Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Cousins with Hats

We stayed at Ben's Uncle Pete and Aunt Brenda's house over New Years to visit. Both Uncle Pete and Cousin Anthony, Ben's cousin, has a collection of hats. All three of the kids were fascinated and they had to try on the hats and were acting silly.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

New Years 2009

We finally arrived! We then got back in the car and drove another 1 1/2 hours to Ohio to celebrate New Years with family. Crazy? Maybe, but the kids did really well. We played the redneck game. See if you can spot the endings to "You might be a redneck if..." It was quite funny.

St. Louis Day 3

Yes, THREE DAYS! The third day wasn't such a long day either, I think we only drove for 6-8 hours. Cora was unthrilled about the arch as you can see. The third day went really well. I think the only significant thing that happened was that Cora took a huge poop and when we pulled off to change it there was no ramp to get back on the highway. We had to back track a few miles, but we managed. Oh and Cora had managed to just fall asleep when we reached an exit to change the poop. Darn the bad luck on that one. A few cookies later, she was as good as new. We also started a car game of "can you find the water tower."

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Nebraska -- Day 2 on the Road

I thought the state of Wyoming was forever long, but holy cow Nebraska goes on forever! Or at least it seemed that way. We thought for sure that we'd be watching movies. Instead, we were looking at the mountains become rolling hills, more windmills, Cattle farms (Logan's fav), and one lone Llama. For some reason Logan perked up when we passed the cattle farms because there were A LOT of cows.

We stopped at saw the huge dam and ate lunch. Logan wanted to go down and collect the rocks. My little collector.

Monday, February 16, 2009


In January we took on our biggest car trip yet; we drove from Elko, NV to Indianapolis, IN. On the way there it took us 3 days and only 1 hour of home movies. How we ended up so lucky is beyond me. I think it is mainly because we left after Ben was off work and drove until 2 in the morning, slept on the side of the road, and then got up and went.

Driving through Wyoming was interesting because it was pitch-black

with hardly any traffic. When the sun rose it was nice to see the landscape. The windmills were huge and really amazing.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Cora is fully 2

Cora started the terrible two's on her birthday and didn't hold back. I can't remember why she was upset, but she was.

Cora's Birthday Part 2

On Cora's birthday, we got our care package from Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Deubelbeiss. Of course, Cora thought it was all for her. In the princess' package came pretend lipstick and she had to immediatly try it out too.